Easy Access and Control of Entry into your Smart Home

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Door locks are a key element to your home’s security. And while keeping strangers out is a great feature, it should be as easy as possible for you, family members, or invited guests to enter your home. Smart door locks do just that! By installing a smart door lock on your doors and integrating it into your Control4 system, you have the ability to check if doors are locked, easily lock and unlock doors with codes, and receive notifications when a door has been opened.
You no longer need a key to enter your home! No more worrying about losing the house keys, searching for a key in a purse or pocket, or fumbling with the keychain while you have your arms full of groceries. 

Here are just a few of the many benefits:

  • lock or unlock your door remotely from your smartphone

  • program unique codes for individual users

  • automatic lock programming

  • lock and unlock notifications

  • keyless

Wondering if you remembered to lock the door when you left the house or before bed is a huge headache for most homeowners. Imagine if you could simply check your touchscreen or smart phone to verify the status of your doors. Smart door locks can be easily integrated into your smart home’s control system to allow you to check whether the door is locked or unlocked. You can even program a schedule to automatically lock the doors at a particular time of the day or set a timer to lock a door if it has been left unlocked for a set amount of time.
Why make a special trip to the hardware store to copy your keys to give to family members or staff when you can simply program a unique code for each individual user? You can even specify a schedule for exactly when a particular code can be used – the cleaning crew will only have access from 8 AM to 5 PM while the nanny can get in as early as 6 AM. With codes, you also don’t have to worry about someone losing the key or making additional copies that you don’t know about. Programmed codes can be added and removed as needed.
You no longer have to wonder if the kids made it home from school or if a worker arrived for a maintenance or service appointment. With smart door locks, you will receive alerts and notifications when a door has been unlocked so that you know exactly when the kids arrived home from school or what time pest control entered and left the house.

Ditch your keys and experience the benefits of smart door locks today!


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