Wrapping Up 2019
Shelby Schwartz Shelby Schwartz

Wrapping Up 2019

The holidays are a busy time for everyone, shedding light on just how much technology impacts our lives and simplifies our day to day. Throughout this holiday season, Cinegration's founder, AJ Brunson, has paid special attention to how the smart technology in his home has worked for him and his family. As we round out 2019, we'd like to share his insights with you and give you exciting ideas for ways to make your system even more useful!

Continue reading to learn what AJ did to his smart home this holiday season.

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Cinegration Showroom
Shelby Schwartz Shelby Schwartz

Cinegration Showroom

We're building a showroom! Why is this important? A showroom gives us a space that our clients can visit to experience some of the best products in the smart home industry and witness the Power of Control first hand.

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Smart Home Software Updates and Solutions
Shelby Schwartz Shelby Schwartz

Smart Home Software Updates and Solutions

Software is an integral part of any Smart Home - it is what allows the various pieces of technology to communicate with Control4. It is the software that makes adjusting your home's thermostat from your smart phone or closing the garage door from down the street possible. Control4 and Cinegration Development have released several software updates that can vastly improve your Smart Home experience! 

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