Unifi Network Upgrade

Is your home network as powerful as it could be?  Upgrade to Unifi!

As we navigate the pandemic and its many effects on our daily lives, a strong, reliable internet connection is more important than ever. With the Safer at Home orders, many of us continue to work from home and even those of us who have returned to work rely on at-home entertainment as social outlets and leisure activities remain limited.

If you have a modem router, you likely experience internet dropouts in certain locations throughout the home or a general weaker connection in some areas. This is because WiFi for entire home is coming from a single location where the router is connected. The further you move away from that location, the weaker your internet connection, leading to dropped calls, delayed video, and increased frustration. 

With more people at home, your internet could be powering a conference call, a webinar, online school, streaming services, smartphones, and more all at the same time. The network is the backbone that powers your connected home and therefore the stronger your network, the more reliable your devices will be. Upgrading to a Unifi network ensures that your entire family has strong, reliable access to internet from any location in the house.

Benefits of Unifi:

  • multiple access points, providing better coverage throughout the home

  • less dropouts and disconnections

  • remotely managed


Contact us to upgrade your home network to Unifi today!

Additionally, Cinegration Development created a driver for Unifi that ties Unifi into Control4, allowing you to manage users connected to your network. The Network Agent for Unifi provides:

  • notifications when a new smart phone connects to the network

  • notifications when previously-connected devices reconnect to the system (telling you when the kids come home) 

  • ability to prevent a contractor from using the the network after they leave

  • control of the Wifi in home so you can block the kids from access when they're grounded

  • etc.

Ask your Design Consultant about integrating your Unifi system into Control4 with the Network Agent


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