There’s a New Player in the Game:

Imagine walking into your Colorado home and simply saying, “Josh, I’m home.” Suddenly, interior lights turn on to illuminate living spaces, your favorite streaming station starts to play music, and the shades lower to provide privacy after a long day at work. The voice assistant can make this a real possibility for your daily lifestyle.

Keep reading below to learn more about Josh, how it can revolutionize your smart home, and why it outranks more prevalent solutions that have emerged on the market. We’ll start by discussing the ever-popular Amazon Alexa and then show you why surpasses it and similar offerings, so stay tuned!

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Amazon Alexa

Though there are other home voice assistants out there, Alexa is undeniably the most prevalent. Amazon introduced Alexa in 2014 as the voice assistant of the original Echo smart speaker. In 2015, the Home Automation function was launched, and homes were forever changed.

By integrating with several manufacturer brands, Alexa can control smart devices such as plugs, thermostats, light bulbs, video doorbells, and even security systems. Say, “Alexa, what’s the weather?” to get the daily high and low temperatures in Colorado, or say, “Alexa, lower the shades” to lower window treatments for privacy. Some of these commands can feel a bit clunky, though, and require a very precise phrase for Alexa to do exactly what you want it to do. Luckily, there’s a more natural method of voice control in the home automation industry, and that’s

Hello, Josh

Similar to Echo speakers with built-in microphones to hear commands, Josh uses the Micro, Nano, or a smartphone app in order to receive commands from you. uses a level of natural language processing to understand voice commands that far exceed Alexa, Siri, and Google Home, though.

Say, “Okay, Josh, turn on the lights,” and Josh’s far-field microphones can determine which room of the home you’re located in, then turn on the lights in the appropriate room. You can add additional commands one after another, too. So once you’re standing in the kitchen and say, “Okay, Josh, turn on the lights and play Spotify,” your home will respond by playing your favorite Spotify station as you begin preparing dinner!

Built for Smart Homes

Josh is a voice assistant built for a fully integrated smart home; DIY jobs are a better use for Alexa. As a dealer, our team will design your smart home control system to utilize Josh in intuitive ways, with expert placement of devices where it makes the most sense and perfect integration with all your smart devices.


Your personal information is just that – personal – and respects that. A physical toggle switch is on every Josh device so you can feel better knowing you’ve turned off the microphone’s listening ability. Also, the company prides itself on protecting your data, so your information is never sold for marketing purposes or to third parties. You also have the power to delete your voice command history at any time, though this could limit the voice assistant’s AI learning capabilities.

As technology continues to evolve, the Cinegration team has stayed up-to-date and trained on the latest upgrades and features. This helps us provide better service to our clients and be able to answer any questions they may have. To learn more about the benefits of voice-controlled home automation, schedule an appointment to visit our showroom now!


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