Happy New Year from Cinegration!


Cinegration's Year in Review

2020 has been quite the year for all of us. Despite the pandemic, Cinegration has been up to some pretty exciting things this past year!

From awards to finishing our Control4 Certified Showroom to hiring five new employees, we've been busy thanks to all of our incredible customers.

CEDIA 2020 Awards Best Showroom WINNER!

In our last newsletter, we announced that we were finalists for CEDIA's 2020 Best Showroom Award. We are beyond proud to announce that we WON!

This award means so much to the entire Cinegration team. As a CEDIA Award Winner, Cinegration is being recognized across the entire automation industry, and we're already working on new and exciting partnerships as a result!

Check out the press release from CEDIA, the article CEDIA wrote about our showroom, and the award winners announcement from CePro. Be sure to watch the winner announcement and our virtual acceptance video below and take a look at the official CEDIA Case Study!

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Residential Systems Showroom Showcase
Our Experience Center was showcased in a major industry publication - Residential Systems in May of this year, before we even won CEDIA's Best Showroom award! We are very excited be featured in the magazine as well as the digital version of the May edition.

Below is the write up of our Experience Center in the magazine! You can also check out the full digital newsletter HERE.

What's New for 2021?
Even with all we've been up to in 2020, Cinegration is already looking forward to 2021 and even more accomplishments in the coming year. One of the biggest things to look out for next year is our brand new, 24/7 365 remote support options that will be added to our maintenance plan offerings at the beginning of the year.

More details to come!


Cinegration Project Feature


Cinegration is in The News!